
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2017

Debian GNU/Linux SuiteTelecentro: millions of users for the digital society every year

The Brazilian Debian GNU / Linux  SuiteTelecentro  benefits  more than 4 millions  users every year. The Brazilian Debian GNU / Linux  SuiteTelecentro  is a custom solution which is currently being deployed in the  Digital Inclusion Program of Banco do Brasil . SuiteTelecentro is used in approximately 2000  telecentres and computer rooms. The Program is all across  Brazil  through various partners such as local communities and Non Governmental Organizations . The Program is already active at  953 cities , with more than 40,000 donated computers, 2,900 instructors trained, and  more than 4 millions  low-income users who benefit from the Debian GNU / Linux SuiteTelecentro and Digital Inclusion Program of Banco do Brasil each and every year. With 668,000 total downloads at its Brazilian  development site  on Codigo Livre, the customized Debian GNU / Linux  SuiteTelecentro  is in the top 5 among the 1952 projects hosted. The  SuiteTelecentro , for use at  telecentres , allows

Canadian British Columbia's School District #73 opts for Debian GNU / Linux

Kamloops Thompson School District #73 ,  British Columbia ,  Canada , with 55 elementary and secondary schools, chose a majority of open source software on Debian GNU / Linux as it is easier to maintain and in their experience offers better support. Dean Montgomery, network support technician and programmer for District #73,  stated in  an interview : "In 15 minutes I can update  OpenOffice[.org]  on thousands of diskless workstations. This beats ghosting [proprietary Operating Systems (OS)] hard drives." Having used other proprietary OS and Linux distributions before, in mid 2006 they moved over to Debian GNU / Linux because it is significantly  easier to keep up-to-date . "We get better support with open source software:  online wiki's ,  forums ,  mailing lists ,  etc , are much faster and better to get support than phoning up to [a proprietary OS company] and listening to someone read off answers from flash cards." Even older kids get t

Como ganhar dinheiro com Linux (parte 20): Desenvolvedores e profissionais em software livre recebem até 40% mais

Muitos administradores me perguntam "onde é que está a vantagem em trabalhar com software livre?", "quanto é que se ganha com isso?", "se é gratuito, o que é que vou ganhar?" Desenvolvedores e sysadmins me perguntam: "mas se trabalhar de graça num projeto de código livre, qual é a vantagem, quanto vou receber?" Resposta baseada em pesquisa salarial: Quem trabalha com código aberto recebe até 40% mais. O que até então se observava empíricamente, e também era analizado por outros estudos, como você pode ver nos artigos ligados mais abaixo, agora tem dados objetivos coletados nos EUA. A empresa de consultoria de Nova York, Bluewolf, elaborou um  relatório , de pesquisa salarial nos EUA, que também foi analizado em  outra  publicação, quantificando as diferenças salariais de profissionais que trabalham com código aberto e software livre: Recebem até 40% mais em alguns cargos. Claro que trabalhar em projetos de código livre não é nada

Scientific study about Debian Project governance and social organization

Two academic management researchers, Siobhán O'Mahony and Fabrizio Ferraro, performed a detailed scientific study about Debian Project governance and social organization from the management perspective. How did a big non-commercial, non-paying community evolve into one that produces some of the most respectable Operating Systems and applications packages available? Introduction The study analyzed 13 years of  Debian Project  history, interviewed some Project participants and previous Leaders, and carefully observed patterns. The open nature of Debian Project history, registered at discussion lists archives and irc logs, meetings reports, were also used during the data collection phase. The study is VERY interesting as scientific analyzed HOW an open source project survived, evolved and flourished during 13 years, overcoming many troubles only challenged by long term BIG communities, reaching solid institutional foundations to resolve disputes. Motivation A la

The brazilian Election Supreme Court migrates 430 thousand voting machines to GNU / Linux

The brazilian Election Supreme Court announced at April 4th 2008, that the 2008 elections at Brazil will use GNU / Linux electronic voting machines with software digital authentication. The  Tribunal Superior Eleitoral  (the brazilian Election Supreme Court), officially announced on April 4th, 2008, that the brazilian 2008 elections will use 430 thousand electronic voting machines migrated from VirtuOS and Windows CE to GNU / Linux and open source softwares for security and auditing defined by proper law. All open source and in-house developed software will be digitally signed and all loaded software will may be verified at voting places by inspectors at any time to check against tampering. Special measures will be taken to reduce risks of breaking in by crackers, like no direct network connection to internet. Random voting machines will be audited by TSE, political parties and external auditors. Political parties software experts will have access to voting machines

Red Hat cluster suite in Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 Etch

The Red Hat cluster suite packages in Debian 4.0 Etch are partially broken. See how to patch them to get your cluster up and running. I presume you are an experienced system administrator if you are going to get a high availability cluster running. Red Hat cluster suite is intended for High Availability clustering, and load balancing of virtual servers. You will have to patch source files and repackage them the Debian way. It must not be a mistery for you. Download the Debian source files for Red Hat cluster from Debian repository [ 6  ] and place them in /usr/src. Also, it is a lot better to add  your  user name to the group "src". This group has special privileges over source files operations, despite not being root and will ease things ahead without risking your system. It has to be /usr/src directory because you will have to repackage some other packages and they presume this directory. The rgmanager is not binary packaged in Debian, but it is at the

How to install Oracle Enterprise 10g R2 in a Debian GNU / Linux Xen guest, domU, into a Debian Xen host, dom0

It is possible to install and run Oracle Enterprise Database 10g Release 2 ( for Linux x86 in a Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 Etch Xen guest, domU, into a Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 Etch Xen host, dom0. Why would you do this? Oracle Enterprise Database 10g R2 is a resource hog and MUST run in an exclusive powerful machine. Period. You must not run any other service at it. Nothing else. For installation you will have to tweak kernel parameters and environment variables that impact other apps. Even stronger security, beyond the database engine policies theirself, should be implemented at an external "heavy armored shield machine". If you have one GOOD powerful server and storage available, you could setup separated Virtual Machines for your development, other for tests, other for integration, other for customer tests and acceptance, staging before the production with reduced costs. You could also have different VMs for each developer initial phase risky ideas.